
Family Therapy with Teenagers (ARTICLE)

Adolescence can be an extremely tumultuous period for children and parents. Often, it can feel like your once loving and affectionate child suddenly wants nothing to do with you.

The Importance of Play Therapy (ARTICLE)

Association for Play Therapy has defined play therapy as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process where trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play…”

CBT and Children (ARTICLE)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well-known therapy with a scientific evidence base that supports its use in a wide range of psychological disorders that are evident along the life.

Child Attachment (ARTICLE)

Working as a behavioural therapist with young families and adoption families, often behaviour and developmental difficulties are related to early attachment experiences.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) continues to be a much-debated construct. An ever increasing body of re-search has divided clinicians into two camps…

Interview: Child Psychology (ARTICLE)

The UAE Psychologist: “What 3 key words should be considered in a definition of the work of a Child psychology?” Dr. Amy Bailey: “I’d say: Child-centred, evidence-based, systemic practice.”

Nurturing is mightier than the rod (ARTICLE)

“A child who experiences physical abuse is likely to experience the world as an unsafe place which can cause them anxiety,” said clinical psychologist Amy Bailey, Head of Psychology at kidsFIRST Medical Center in Dubai.

Ignore the bully to take away their power (ARTICLE)

When asked how the person being bullied should react, Singhal said: “Although it may be difficult not to respond or retaliate, it is always better to ignore cyberbullying. A cyberbully is looking for attention and giving them a response only feeds this need and makes them feel more powerful.

Learn to move. Move to learn (VIDEO)

Video (in English with Arabic subtitles) about the importance of physical activity and movement for children from kidsFIRST Founder, Nannette Wicker-Essick, with Omo Arabia.

Dyspraxia a ‘hidden disability’ in the UAE (ARTICLE)

Nannette Wicker-Essick, occupational therapist and executive director/founder of kidsFirst in Dubai, agrees that children with dyspraxia are misunderstood. “Teachers may feel the child is not meeting their potential in the classroom,”

Gadget Time Versus Play Time (VIDEO)

Video (in English with Arabic subtitles) on the impact of gadgets on children’s development from kidsFIRST Physiotherapist, Nishad Sayyed, with Omo Arabia.

Unleash Your Little Champion (VIDEO)

Video (in English with Arabic subtitles) on the impact of gadgets on children’s development from kidsFIRST clinical psychologist, Dr Amy Bailey, with Omo Arabia.

Children need more outdoor time (ARTICLE)

Dr Amy Bailey, a clinical psychologist in Dubai, told Gulf News: “Participation in physical activity is important for all individuals regardless of age. Research has shown that when you exercise…”

Domino Effect: How parents’ divorce knocks children down (ARTICLE)

“Divorce is a time of change and transition. This results in anxiety in children especially if the conflict is ongoing and the child does not know how their living situation would be in the future,” said Dr Amy Baily, Department Head of Psychology & Counseling at Kids First Medical Center in Dubai.  

Back to school health checks (ARITCLE)

“Another common condition, iron deficiency anemia, usually caused by insufficient dietary iron, leads to irritability and learning difficulties.” Dr. Sara Khawaja