
I am Lost, Hear my Cry (ARTICLE)

“It is important to realise that mental illness is not a sign of a weak personality. Many mental health difficulties are the result of neurobiological differences and/or adverse childhood events that have caused a significant psychological impact on the child.” Dr Adrian Harrison

‘Eid is not about expensive gifts but family time’ (ARTICLE)

“It is expected for children to request many expensive gifts from their parents. They are marketed in a way that children could easily feel they are missing out on something by not having these items,” Dr Bene Katabua, educational psychologist at KidsFirst Medical Centre, told Khaleej Times.

Too much of online life can affect social skills of children (ARTICLE)

Dr Amy Bailey, clinical psychologist and head of psychology at KidsFirst Medical Centre in Dubai, said: “Teenagers may not understand the ‘falseness’ of what can be portrayed by others on social media sites. Therefore they perceive themselves and their own lives in a negative light. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.”

Gender wars: Baby edition (ARTICLE)

“If you look at a typical playground from the age of four years and up, most children will be found playing with same sex peers. This is a phenomenon that is found around the world and seemingly occurs quite naturally.” Dr. Amy Bailey, Clinical Psychologist

Is this the age of the ‘distracted parent’? (ARTICLE)

“Distracted parenting syndrome is when a parent is consistently disengaged from their child for a sustained period of time even whilst in the presence of their child,” explains Amy Bailey, clinical psychologist and head of psychology at kidsFIRST Medical Center, Dubai.

Should we tech down kids? (ARTICLE)

Dr Adrian Harrison, Psychologist at kidsFIRST Medical Center: “Parents often experience an unwanted behavioural response such as tantrums, crying, aggression, sulking, swearing, when the item of strong connection (device) is withdrawn.”

Is Being Gifted A Case Of Nature Or Nurture? (AUDIO)

Opinion is divided. One camp argues that some children just have an ability to perform better than their peers, while others say most people can reach high standards of performance with practice. We speak to Dr. Adrian Harrison, Child & Educational Psychologist at Kids First Medical Centre.  

Parenting Today – Behaviour (AUDIO)

We discussed behaviour – from the toddler to the teen. How do you diffuse the drama? Siobhan Leyden is joined by Therese Sequeira Parent Educator based at kidsFIRST Medical Center.

Are schools in Dubai helping victims of bullying to speak up? (ARTICLE)

Children who are bullied are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. Dr Amy Bailey (Clinical psychologist and head of psychology kidsFIRST Medical Center, Dubai)

(VIDEO) الفرق بين ضعف النطق وتأخر النطق عند الاطفال

هناك أسباب عدة وراء تأخر النطق عند الطفل، منها مشكلة في السمع، أوعندما لا يحاور الأهل الطفل كما يجب، اما اللفظ فتتفاوت المشاكل من عيوب خفيفة إلى حادة.ففي بعض الحالات يصعب فهم كلام الطفل ومن ناحية أخرى يعاني الطفل معاناة شديدة

Does My Child Need Speech Therapy? (ARTICLE)

“Claire (Whitehead) – As a rule of thumb, if the child is not talking or has minimal interaction by the age of two years, parents should seek the opinion of a professional.”

Finding Their Place (ARTICLE)

“Dr Adrian Harrison is a psychologist at kidsFIRST Medical Center in Khalifa City. He says a little bit of staging can go a long way to easing your little one into school life.”

Boys have more opportunities to pursue (ARTICLE)

Dr Amy Bailey, a clinical psychologist in Dubai, explains that these gender-stereotypical parenting practices arise because people have a desire for their children to fit in and be accepted in society.

STEMpathy And The Science of Learning (AUDIO)

Javier Arguello, Founder and Executive Director of COGx, talks about the latest buzzword in teaching – STEMpathy. He says schools must teach both science…

Education Matters (VIDEO)

James Mullan, Co-Founder of WhichSchoolAdvisor and SchoolsCompared, and Cheryl Pickering, Head of Schools at KidsFirst, are back to talk about special needs in schools.

Family Therapy with Teenagers (ARTICLE)

Adolescence can be an extremely tumultuous period for children and parents. Often, it can feel like your once loving and affectionate child suddenly wants nothing to do with you.